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Adj A/Prof Chester Drum

Photo of Adj A/Prof Chester Drum


  • Senior Consultant, Department of Cardiology, National University Heart Centre, Singapore
  • Adjunct Associate Professor, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore





Clinical Disciplines/Programmes:

Cardiac Genetics, Cardiology (Heart), General Cardiology, Lipid Disorders, Preventive Cardiology Programme

Special Interests:

Cardiac Genetics, General Cardiology, Lipid Disorders

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Adjunct Associate Professor Chester Drum, M.D. Ph.D., is an Adjunct Associate Professor at the National University of Singapore, and a Senior Consultant cardiologist at the National University Heart Centre, Singapore (NUHCS). He received an M.D. and Ph.D. from the University of Chicago. He was trained in internal medicine at the University of California, San Diego and as a cardiologist at the Brigham and Women's Hospital (Harvard Medical School) in Boston. After receiving the Burroughs Welcome Career Award for Medical Scientists, he then moved to Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) where he was director of Translational Medicine for the regulatory innovation group, MIT-NEWDIGS. Adj A/Prof. Drum has over 20 years of clinical experience in managed care, private, public and academic healthcare settings. Adj A/Prof. Drum's current research bridges the gap between basic biochemistry and clinical care. Clinical research focusses on mass spectroscopy to answer fundamental questions of disease mechanism and prognosis, in particular the clinical use of oxidative stress.

Journals & Publications

  1. Anissa A. Widjaja, Jinrui Dong, Eleonora Adami, Sivakumar Viswanathan1, Benjamin Ng, Leroy S. Pakkiri, Sonia P. Chothani, Brijesh K. Singh, Wei Wen Lim, Jin Zhou, Shamini G. Shekeran, Jessie Tan, Sze Yun Lim, Joyce Goh, Mao Wang, Robert Holgate, Arron Hearn, Leanne E. Felkin, Paul M. Yen, James W. Dear, Chester L. Drum, Sebastian Schafer, Stuart A. Cook, Redefining IL11 as a regeneration-limiting hepatotoxin and therapeutic target in acetaminophen-induced liver injury, Science Translational Medicine, 2021, (in press)
  2. Brandon N S Ooi, Raechell Raechell, Ariel F Ying, Yong Zher Koh, Yu Jin, Sherman W L Yee, Justin H S Lee, Samuel S Chong, Jack W C Tan, Jianjun Liu, Caroline G Lee, Chester L Drum, Robust performance of potentially functional SNPs in machine learning models for the prediction of atorvastatin-induced myalgia, Frontiers in Pharmacology, (in press)
  3. James W Dear, Mei Li Ng, D Nicholas Bateman, Pakkiri Leroy, Sivappiragasam, Hyungwon Choi, Bing Jie Khoo, Baharudin Ibrahim, Chester Lee Drum, A Metabolomic Analysis of Thiol Response In Standard And Modified N-Acetyl Cysteine Treatment Regimens, Clinical and Translational Science (in press)
  4. Jie Gao, Kwee Hiang Jackson Low, Yang Chen, E. Shyong Tai, Tai-Shung Chung and Chester Lee Drum, High recovery, point-of-collection plasma separation from blood using electrospun polyacrylonitrile (PAN) membranes, AIChE Journal. 2020 Oct 02.
  5. Chan MY, Efthymios M, Tan SH, Pickering JW, Troughton R, Pemberton C, Ho HH, Prabath JF, Drum CL, Ling LH, Soo WM, Chai SC, Fong A, Oon YY, Loh JP, Lee CH, Foo RSY, Ackers-Johnson MA, Pilbrow A, Richards AM. Prioritizing Candidates of Post-Myocardial Infarction Heart Failure Using Plasma Proteomics and Single-Cell Transcriptomics, Circulation. 2020 Sep 4. doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.119.045158
  6. Landreh M, Sahin C, Gault J, Sadeghi S, Drum CL, Uzdavinys P, Drew D, Allison TM, Degiacomi MT, Marklund EG, Predicting the shapes of protein complexes through collision cross section measurements and database searches. Anal. Chem. July 13, 2020,
  7. Tai YK, Ng, C, Purnamawati K, et al., Magnetic Fields Modulate Metabolism and Gut Microbiome in Correlation With Pgc-1α Expression: Follow-up to an in Vitro Magnetic Mitohormetic Study. FASEB J. 2020 PMID: 32627872, DOI: 10.1096/fj.201903005RR
  8. Yee WL, Drum CL, Increasing Complexity to Simplify Clinical Care: High Resolution Mass Spectrometry as an Enabler of AI Guided Clinical and Therapeutic Monitoring. Adv. Therapeutics. 2020 Mar.
  9. Sadeghi S, Lee WK, Kong SN, Shetty A, Drum CL. Oral administration of protein nanoparticles: An emerging route to disease treatment. Pharmacol Res. 2020 Feb 22:104685. doi: 10.1016/j.phrs.2020.104685.
  10. Haldar, S., Pakkiri, L., Lim, J., Chia, S-C., Ponnalagu, S., Drum, C.L., Jeyakumar, C. H., (2019). Reductions in postprandial plasma allantoin concentrations with increasing doses of polyphenol rich curry intake - a randomized crossover trial, Front. Physiol., 09 January 2019

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