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Adj A/Prof Lim Toon Wei

Photo of Adj A/Prof Lim Toon Wei


  • Senior Consultant, Department of Cardiology, National University Heart Centre, Singapore
  • Senior Consultant, Department of Cardiology, Jurong Medical Centre
  • Adjunct Associate Professor, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore





Clinical Disciplines/Programmes:

Cardiac Critical Care, Cardiology (Heart), Electrophysiology, General Cardiology

Special Interests:

Cardiac Arrhythmias (Heart Rhythm Disorders), Cardiac Implantable Devices, General Cardiology

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Adj Associate Professor Lim Toon Wei graduated from the University of Sydney in 1997 with 1st Class Honours. He completed his physician's training in cardiology at Westmead Hospital (Sydney, Australia) and was admitted as a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians in 2006. Following this, he was a Cardiology Research Fellow till 2009 at Westmead Hospital, working in the area of catheter ablation for cardiac arrhythmias, particularly that of atrial fibrillation. He was awarded a PhD from the University of Sydney for this research work, which included one of the largest randomized clinical trials of atrial fibrillation ablation techniques at that time.

Adj A/Prof Lim then joined the University of Ottawa Heart Institute in 2009 as a Clinical Fellow in Cardiac Electrophysiology, before returning to his hometown in 2010 to join the National University Heart Centre, Singapore (NUHCS) as a Consultant. He also serves as the Head of Community Cardiology and Clinical Lead for Telehealth, Department of Cardiology, National University Heart Centre, Singapore, as well as the Director of Community Specialist Integration at National University Health System.

While Adj A/Prof Lim sees general cardiology patients, his clinical and research interest is in cardiac arrhythmias (heart rhythm disorders). As part of his practice, he implants pacemakers, implantable cardioverter-defibrillators and cardiac resynchronisation pacemakers or defibrillators. He also performs both conventional and complex ablation procedures for all forms of arrhythmias.

Adj A/Prof Lim is active in medical education and has been a faculty member of the Cardiology Senior Residency Programme. He has also been serving in the Executive Committee of the Singapore Cardiac Society (SCS) Council since 2014 and was elected as the President in 2021.  


  • 2019 - Dedicated Teacher Award
  • 2019 - NUHS Residency Best Clinical Session Award
  • 2018 - Outstanding Clinical Session Award
  • 2017 - NUHS Residency Best Clinical Session Award

Journals & Publications

  1. Infante AN, Koo CCY, Yip A, Lim YH, Yeo WT, Quek ST, Lim TW, Seow SC, Chai P, Ong CC, Teo L, Singh D, Kojodjojo P. Magnetic resonance imaging of dilated cardiomyopathy: prognostic benefit of identifying late gadolinium enhancement in Asian patients. Singapore Med J. 2019 Dec 10.
  2. Goto S, Goto S, Pieper KS, Bassand JP, Camm AJ, Fitzmaurice DA, Goldhaber SZ, Haas S, Parkhomenko A, Oto A, Misselwitz F, Turpie AGG, Verheugt FWA, Fox KAA, Gersh BJ, Kakkar AK; GARFIELD-AF Investigators. New AI Prediction Model Using Serial PT-INR Measurements in AF Patients on VKAs: GARFIELD-AF. Eur Heart J Cardiovasc Pharmacother. 2019 Dec 10:pvz076. doi: 10.1093/ehjcvp/pvz076. Online ahead of print. PMID: 31821482
  3. Seelig J, Verheugt FWA, Hemels MEW, Illingworth L, Lucassen A, Adriaansen H, Bongaerts MCM, Pieterse M, Herrman JPR, Hoogslag P, Hermans W, Groenemeijer BE, Boersma LVA, Pieper K, Ten Cate H; GARFIELD-AF Investigators. Changes in anticoagulant prescription in Dutch patients with recent-onset atrial fibrillation: observations from the GARFIELD-AF registry. Thromb J. 2020 Mar 30;18:5. doi: 10.1186/s12959-020-00218-x. eCollection 2020.
  4. Boey E, Tan ESJ, Yeo WT, Singh D, Lim TW, Kojodjojo P, Seow SC. Coronary venoplasty during cardiac resynchronization therapy device implantations: Acute results and clinical outcomes. Heart Rhythm. 2020 May;17(5 Pt A):736-742. doi: 10.1016/j.hrthm.2019.12.012. Epub 2019 Dec 17. PMID: 31862513
  5. Atar D, Berge E, Le Heuzey JY, Virdone S, Camm AJ, Steffel J, Gibbs H, Goldhaber SZ, Goto S, Kayani G, Misselwitz F, Stepinska J, Turpie AGG, Bassand JP, Kakkar AK; GARFIELD-AF Investigators. The association between patterns of atrial fibrillation, anticoagulation, and cardiovascular events. Europace. 2020 Feb 1;22(2):195-204. doi: 10.1093/europace/euz292. PMID: 31747004
  6. Fox KAA, Velentgas P, Camm AJ, Bassand JP, Fitzmaurice DA, Gersh BJ, Goldhaber SZ, Goto S, Haas S, Misselwitz F, Pieper KS, Turpie AGG, Verheugt FWA, Dabrowski E, Luo K, Gibbs L, Kakkar AK; GARFIELD-AF Investigators. Outcomes Associated With Oral Anticoagulants Plus Antiplatelets in Patients With Newly Diagnosed Atrial Fibrillation.  JAMA Netw Open. 2020 Feb 5;3(2):e200107. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2020.0107. PMID: 32101311
  7. Seelig J, Verheugt FWA, Hemels MEW, Illingworth L, Lucassen A, Adriaansen H, Bongaerts MCM, Pieterse M, Herrman JPR, Hoogslag P, Hermans W, Groenemeijer BE, Boersma LVA, Pieper K, Ten Cate H; GARFIELD-AF Investigators. Changes in anticoagulant prescription in Dutch patients with recent-onset atrial fibrillation: observations from the GARFIELD-AF registry. Thromb J. 2020 Mar 30;18:5. doi: 10.1186/s12959-020-00218-x. eCollection 2020. PMID: 32256216
  8. Hacke W, Bassand JP, Virdone S, Camm AJ, Fitzmaurice DA, Fox KA, Goldhaber SZ, Goto S, Haas S, Kayani G, Mantovani LG, Misselwitz F, Pieper KS, Turpie AG, van Eickels M, Verheugt FW, Kakkar AK; GARFIELD-AF Investigators. Prior stroke and transient ischemic attack as risk factors for subsequent stroke in atrial fibrillation patients: A report from the GARFIELD-AF registry. Int J Stroke. 2020 Apr;15(3):308-317. doi: 10.1177/1747493019891516. Epub 2019 Dec 17. PMID: 31847794
  9. Woo B, Koh K, Zhou W, Wei Lim T, Lopez V, Tam W. Understanding the role of an advanced practice nurse through the perspectives of patients with cardiovascular disease: A qualitative study. J Clin Nurs. 2020 May;29(9-10):1623-1634. doi: 10.1111/jocn.15224. Epub 2020 Mar 3. PMID: 32065688
  10. Cher BP, Kembhavi G, Toh KY, Audimulam J, Chia WA, Vrijhoef HJ, Lim YW, Lim TW.  Understanding the Attitudes of Clinicians and Patients Toward a Self-Management eHealth Tool for Atrial Fibrillation: Qualitative Study. JMIR Hum Factors. 2020 Sep 17;7(3):e15492. doi: 10.2196/15492.

Professional Memberships

  • Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians

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  • Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine
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